Jordan has been a hub for humanity since the dawn of civilisation. The Sumerians,
Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians and Mesopotamians came in
from the east. From the south came the Nabateans, while from the west,
Pharonic Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, Byzantines and Crusaders. They
left behind archaeological sites, historical towns and monuments
scattered all across the country.
During the Ottoman Empire, Al Salt was the capital city of Jordan but was passed over in favour of Amman when the modern state of Jordan was created. Al Salt, a place of human settlement since at least the Iron Age, still retains the charm and pace of a different century. Read more about Al Salt
During the Ottoman Empire, Al Salt was the capital city of Jordan but was passed over in favour of Amman when the modern state of Jordan was created. Al Salt, a place of human settlement since at least the Iron Age, still retains the charm and pace of a different century. Read more about Al Salt